How Education and Training Play a Part in Reducing Hunger Worldwide
Published on 15th June 2021.
We see it every day. The person on the street holding a sign asking for help or the commercials portraying hungry children just wanting their next meal. It is easy to become numb to the whole world hunger scenario, but the issue should not be looked at as a localized or regional problem. The truth is, every person on the planet is just a few missed paychecks away from being in the same situation.
Developed countries tend to have an easier time contending with the need for programs to help the needy, but what about the underdeveloped nations? These areas are full of people that simply do not have enough to eat. Many Asian and African nations do not have the government or humanitarian support necessary to diminish the number of starving people.
Where there is no definitive solution to the growing hunger rate across the globe, research consistently shows that education is the key to fighting hunger. Here are just a few of the ways education and training play a significant part in reducing worldwide hunger.
Increases Earning Potential
The key ingredient in education is knowing more so you can have essential skills others desire. Education provides tools to empower individuals to earn more. Even in impoverished countries, a little education can go a long way. Traditional values often dictate who will do what in most underdeveloped nations, but if you were to take one person or a group of people out of that environment with the goal of teaching them something new, the entire concept and earning potential is altered.
The education given to that group of people allows them to step out of the traditional format of life, for instance, farming, and into something with a broader spectrum of potential income. These individuals may still remain farmers to help their family, yet have another life as, say a computer programmer, to bring in the bulk of their income needs. The more skills that can be provided to a society, the more efficient their earning power becomes on both a personal and regional level.
Skill Building
No one person can possibly know everything, but skills we learn along the way help us increase our ability to feed our family and prosper. Skills are essential for moving forward in life both personally and financially. However, skill building is not all about money. For instance, traditional farming techniques help a family eat and these skills are learned throughout generations, but what if the climate forces a shift in the farmer’s ability to work the land as they always have. Without adaptation, the farm will ultimately cease to exist.
Take that same farmer and provide him with a few new skills from a region with similar climate conditions. The farmer now has the skills necessary to continue to thrive and feed their family. Adapting to the change is essential for growth and acquiring skills throughout the journey helps a person manage inevitable changes in life. The more skills you can acquire, the more adaptable you, your family, or even your nation become. Skill building is a truly essential ingredient in reducing worldwide hunger.
Empowering the Next Generation
Reducing poverty takes time. There is no instant fix button with this situation. Current poverty rates are astronomical with the most affected being South Sudan at 82.2% below the poverty line. Equatorial Guinea comes in second at 76.8% and Madagascar stands in 3rd place at 70.7%. There are many other countries with growing poverty rates and decreasing those rates is essential to helping those most affected.
Poverty rates can be reduced, but the process is slow. Education is not always solely for the current generation, but the emphasis on the next. Teaching children to read, write, increasing math skills, and creative learning gives them the ability to think outside the box and choose a different path. Education starts as soon as we are born and allowing children to be excited about learning from a young age vastly increases their ability to learn as they grow. Children are the future and the more we can teach the next generation, the better chance we have of seeing poverty rates decrease over time.
Change is necessary if we are to reduce poverty and hunger worldwide. This is not just a regional issue, but one we must all take part in. The more we can teach both the current and next generation, the better chance we all have of succeeding. Global poverty rates have been on the rise during the past few years due to economic downturn, but there is hope for the future and education is the key ingredient to that. Change takes everyone from the small farmer just trying to plant enough food for their family all the way to the high dollar scientist improving farming technology and everyone in between. We all have to do our part on a global scale.