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Construction and Housing Repair Assistance Program

Benefit: This gift helps families recover and rebuild their homes after a disaster has occurred and to help families who have not homes build new homes for safety and security.

Cut One Grow One

Benefit: Our COGO Program addresses both deforestation and sustainability. We support communities in replanting their land with food products that lead to sustainability. The program provides seeds and grains to be planted by families for food and income generation. We encourage the ideal of cut-one-grow-one for any trees cut down, to regenerate the soil.

Disaster Training

Emergency/Disaster Manual – Benefit: To provide training for individuals, families, and communities to prepare for disasters. Includes safety instructions, organizing preparedness bag, and exit to safety instructions.

Ecosystem Regeneration

Benefit: This gift provides for training, tools, and supplies to engage communities in regenerating the soil to produce food, water, and adapt to climate change.

Emergency Recovery Gift Where Needed

Benefit: To assist families in establishing home and livelihood after a disaster.

Emergency Shelter Kit

Benefits: This gift contains Beds, Tents, Blankets, Mattress, Pillows, Sleeping Bags, and more to provide shelter for children and families

Emergency Warning System

Benefit: To provide training for individuals, families, and communities to prepare for disasters. Includes safety instructions, organizing preparedness bag, and

First Aid Kit

Benefit: To provide children and families emergency and general first aid response to injuries. This gift contains 350 pieces of

Providing Solar Energy Light System

Benefit: To provide families and communities with a less hazardous and more efficient lighting system.

Where most needed FUND

Benefit: This gift will bring hope and make a tangible difference in fulfilling our mission of providing marginalized and underserved

Where Most Needed To Address Rebuilding After A Disaster

Benefit: This gift will bring hope and make a tangible difference in fulfilling our mission of providing marginalized and underserved population access to health, social, and economic opportunities, and resources.